A documentary about Romanian Roma (Gypsies) - featuring survivors describing their experiences during the Holocaust. The film also shows the lives of Roma today and current issues such as poverty...
An inside look into the lives of South Africans with albinism; a story of the challenges and the triumphs of living in a country where they are largely marginalized by others who struggle to place them into the proverbial "rainbow nation". Albinism is a medical condition, yet the social manifestations of albinism are faced on a daily basis by those affected by it. Through the stories of Sphonakaliso Mpisi and Jake Scott, the many myths and misconceptions surrounding people with albinism are tackled in an attempt to bring an end to the ignorance that persists.
Production from the School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University
Production by Robyn Perros and Tassyn Munro
(24 minutes)
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