A film about the mass exodus of up to one million Jews from Arab countries. In 1945, up to one million Jews lived in the Middle East outside of the Palestine Mand ate and in North Africa. Within a few years, only a few thousand remained. This is the story of the thousands who fled their homes, who endured in refugee camps, and who today quietly carry the memory of a destroyed civilization.

The Forgotten Refugees explores the history and destruction of Middle Eastern Jewish communities, some of which had existed for over 2,500 years. Featuring testimony from Jews who fled Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Yemen, these personal stories of refugees are interspersed with dramatic archival footage, including rescue missions of Yemenite and Iraqi Jews.

"The Forgotten Refugees" was aired on PBS in California, KQED; PBS in Virginia, WHRO-TV, RTVi, Israel Channel 1...

The film was also screened at the US Congress in July 2007 and at the UN in March 2008.
"The Forgotten Refugees" won the Award for Best Documentary Film at Marbella Film Festival in 2007.

Film Director: Michael Grynszpan
Excecutive Producer: Ralph Avi Goldwasser
Length: 49 min., Color, Copyrights 2007

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