Interview with Ibrahim Mahama (Ghana), one of the artists selected to participate in the exhibition, All The World's Futures - Biennale Arte 2015. Exhibited at the Arsenale |...
"Without a Roof" is a raw 30 minute emotional documentary recording the stories and experiences of homeless individuals from the streets of downtown Toronto. The documentary debuted television on December 14th, 2013 after being successfully marketed to a Rogers TV, a broadcast company with over 2.3 million cable subscribers. The documentary was also aired to all of Toronto in May 2014.
Director: Gordon Sun @ImGordonSun
Script: Storm Gourley
Editor & 1st Cinematographer: Boris Wong
Animator: Gavin Chen
Audio: Arjun Birdi
Graphics: Gladys Ng
Location Scout: Jonathan Bojilov
Original Soundtrack: Tom Day
Trailer Soundtrack: Yifan Wu
Thanks to everyone who was interviewed.
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